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Submitted by admin-misa on 13, Oct 2023

Misa cold rooms, are at the forefront of the fight against food waste. A phenomenon of global importance, given its environmental, economic and social impact.

In fact, according to a FAO study, about 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year. This figure corresponds to 4 times the amount needed to feed 868 million people.

A new mission for the cold chain

With the goal of a Zero Hunger world, the United Nations has set the need to halve global per capita food waste by 2030
In this scenario, the cold chain plays a decisive role in containing a phenomenon that occurs in the last part of the chain, the distribution and sales stages.

At these stages, many products are excluded from the agri-food chain, even though they are still edible. These are “surpluses” that, if kept perfectly preserved, could still be used for their ultimate purpose: human consumption.

In this sense, Misa cold rooms, which have always been synonymous with quality and technology, ensure maximum compliance with hygiene and Food Safety standards.

Specifically, the Epta Food Defence silver ion antibacterial system reduces the bacterial load inside the cabinet and ensures food safety. Total protection 24/7 throughout the life of the cabinet.

The shelf-life-proof refrigerated cabinet

Lastly, refrigerated cabinets are made unique by the Fastener and Fast-Fit patents, designed to facilitate the assembly and alignment of the panels to favour a high level of product insulation.

An innovation that, combined with the Epta Food Defence antibacterial system, is able to lengthen the shelf-life of fresh and very fresh products and preserve their flavours. To guarantee greater energy efficiency, DOW PascalTM Pro technology ensures a thermal conductivity value of λ 0.0205 W/mK, among the lowest on the market.

Misa's commitment and care has been recognised by the HACCP based Food Safety Programme. This is the result of a verification and control process to which the brand voluntarily submitted itself. Thus, Misa became the first brand in the industry to obtain this prestigious award.